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Dec 23, 2021

Join Keith Ashley and Denise Bossy from the University of North Florida as they discuss Jacksonville's indigenous history and share research tips!  Ashley and Bossy will debunk some major myths about the indigenous communities of Northeast Florida and share research tips to those interested in conducting their own research.

Dr. Keith Ashley is an Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the University of North Florida (UNF) and is UNF's Archaeology Lab Director. His research focuses on the cultures and histories of the indigenous peoples of southeastern North America, with a special interest in Northeast Florida.

Dr. Denise Bossy is an Associate Professor of History at the University of North Florida. Bossy specializes in cross-cultural relations between Indians, Europeans, and Africans in the early South. Her current research specializes specifically with the Yamasee Indians of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. One of her current book projects include The Yamasee Indians: A New History of the Early South.

Ashley and Bossy are currently co-writing a book titled Heca Utimile/Our Land: The Indigenous History of Northeast Florida.


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Keith Ashley
Read: Late Prehistoric Florida: Archaeology at the Edge of the Mississippian World, edited by Keith Ashley

Denise Bossy
The Yamassee: From Florida to South Carolina, edited by Denise Bossy

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