Jan 6, 2022
Historian and author Leslie Kemp Poole will discuss her research on Florida women's roles in the state's environmental movement, the topic of her book Saving Florida: Women's Fight for the Environment in the Twentieth Century.
Jacksonville Public Library + MOCA(Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville) present Art & Conversations, a series of innovative programs focused on literacy and the arts. In this series, the Jacksonville Public Library and MOCA collaborate to provide the community access to a rich set of resources by partnering an educational library program with a museum exhibition.
This series of programs centers around MOCA’s current exhibition, Structure of Nature | Nature of Structure by Jacksonville artist Doug Eng. His art and advocacy highlights the need to preserve our endangered wetlands and forests in Northeast Florida.
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Leslie Kemp Poole
Read: Library Catalog
Website: https://www.lesliekemppoole.com
Jacksonville Public
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